Sustainability by Design:
A Design Vision for a Sustainable Region

This course of study fits into the context of a larger project, now in progress in our Design Centre for Sustainability (DCS).
This project, entitled
Sustainability by Design: Stakeholder Alliance for Achieving Sustainability
is described in greater detail here:
SxD project outline
(word doc)


This course explores the power of urban design to structure an equitable, healthy, sustainable and gratifying context for the social lives of its users.

The objectives of the course are to design for people and their real needs; to use form and structure to make "places;" to understand the various schools of urban design thought and to experiment with their adaptation to local circumstances; to provide a particular site with evocative visions for a complex and dynamic urbanism; and to enhance the economic, social, and ecological sustainability of urban form, and of a selected site in particular.

The study area for the studio will be the Greater Vancouver Regional District and its 21 member municipalities.

The intent of the studio will be to provide ideas and visions for a sustainable region, showing what the implications for the region would be of sustainable neighbourhood landscapes, and what the implications for the neighbourhood would be consequent to living in a sustainable region.

Students will be divided up into small teams to design parts or all of individual municipalities, in conformance with sustainability principles discussed in class.